At Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we’re all about helping create a more beautiful you. For many people, this doesn’t always include full-fledged surgical procedures. We are passionate about skin and will take the time on your first visit to listen to your concerns. We offer a range of special and personalized services to help you rejuvenate, refresh, and brighten your skin and body. Purchase one of our specials TODAY!
10% Off Breast Augmentation Special
ZO Skin Health Growth Factor Serum
Dr. Connie Hiers is a native Texan who truly enjoys San Antonio’s warm people and vibrant culture. She has her M.D. from the University of Houston and obtained her board certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery in 1987. Dr. Hiers has approximately 30 years of experience in plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures.